SOE: Student Orientation System Vocational Test as a TIC Mobile resource


  • Antonieta Kuz Grupo de Investigación Aplicado a Sistemas Informáticos (GIDAS)
  • Roxana Giandini Grupo de Investigación Aplicado a Sistemas Informáticos (GIDAS), Universidad Tecnológica Nacional Facultad Regional La Plata, Argentina.
  • Guillermo Baldino Grupo de Investigación Aplicado a Sistemas Informáticos (GIDAS), Universidad Tecnológica Nacional Facultad Regional La Plata, Argentina.



Vocational guidance system


The accelerated development of the information society, gives rise to unthinkable challenges and challenges, through different technological advances, and in particular that of mobile telephony. Nowadays, cell phones are very powerful tools that allow a multitude of applications (mobile applications) with different purposes to be accessed through a single device of small dimensions. We will show throughout this article a mobile application of authorship called Student Orientation System (SOE). Which was created and designed to help potential entrants to the National Technological University La Plata Regional University (UTN FRLP) in the election, exploration of the professional careers offered by the UTN FRLP and as a means for them to discover which is his academic, professional and consequently work inclination. In this article we will show the foundations and motivations for the construction and development of the SOE application, as well as a detailed description of its functionalities that it provides. Finally, we will provide the conclusions related to this work.


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How to Cite

Kuz, A., Giandini, R., & Baldino, G. (2023). SOE: Student Orientation System Vocational Test as a TIC Mobile resource. Revista Abierta De Informática Aplicada, 3(1), 61–70.