Evaluation of the processing of geolocated open data


  • Agustín Simón Universidad Abierta Interamericana, Argentina.
  • Roxana Martínez Universidad Abierta Interamericana, Argentina.




geolocated open data, open government


In today’s times, open government public data is a powerful tool with the potential to reduce information asymmetries, foster evidence-based decision-making, improve accountability, and generate impact on people’s quality of life through its use. Governments in different countries have an unprecedented opportunity to generate public value through the openness and use of data. The focus on open data is often the benefits it generates in terms of transparency and accountability. In order to promote and improve the quality of open government geolocation datasets, this paper proposes the use of specific metrics to evaluate their content. As part of this proposal, a prototype has been developed using the latest computer technologies available on the market. This validation tool, called OpenMapGeoData, makes it easier and more automatic to detect deficiencies and errors in datasets that could hinder their interoperability with different database sources and external software used by other agencies.



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How to Cite

Simón, A., & Martínez, R. (2024). Evaluation of the processing of geolocated open data. Revista Abierta De Informática Aplicada, 7(2), 35–50. https://doi.org/10.59471/raia202386