Use of Artificial Intelligence Techniques for the Analysis of the Impact of Polluting Environments on the Human Genetic Damage Index


  • Jorge Kamlofsky Universidad Abierta Interamericana, Argentina.
  • Vanesa Miana Universidad Abierta Interamericana, Argentina.
  • Elio Prieto Gonzalez Universidad Abierta Interamericana, Argentina.



Data Analysis, Data Mining, Minería de Datos, Análisis de Datos, Descubrimiento De Conocimiento, Inteligencia Artificial, Contaminación Comet Id Basal


Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques are now widespread in almost all disciplines. In the field of health, they are applied in operational stages of research: normally based on databases, models


can be presented whose validation is reflected in new scientific knowledge. However, in specific investigations, researchers must collect their data. These investigations are expensive, so often, with preliminary results based on few data, it is defined whether the investigation is progressed or not.

This paper presents the tasks that allow us to obtain a model that allows us to describe and predict the impact on the genetic damage evaluated by the comet assay technique. This paper was based on the analysis of 54 cases. Multiple linear regression models were obtained prior to a variable selection process based on Shannon’s Theory of Information (1948). The obtained models were evaluated with indicator R2. Although the evaluator obtained is not at the recommendable levels, it is sufficient to present interesting indications.



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How to Cite

Kamlofsky, J., Miana, V., & Prieto Gonzalez, E. (2019). Use of Artificial Intelligence Techniques for the Analysis of the Impact of Polluting Environments on the Human Genetic Damage Index. Revista Abierta De Informática Aplicada, 3(1), 11–34.