Cloud Computing: Fundamentals, Criticisms and Challenges


  • Jorge Kamlofsky CAETI – Universidad Abierta Interamericana – Facultad de Tecnología Informática, Argentina image/svg+xml



Cloud Computing, SP 800 – 145, Cloud Services, SAAS, PAAS, IAAS, Cloud Uses, Cloud Analytics


Cloud Computing is a broad term that describes a wide range of technology services. To truly understand how the cloud can be valuable to an organization, it is important to understand what the cloud actually is and what its different components are. Since the cloud is a broad set of services, organizations can choose where, when and how to use cloud computing. This paper explains the different types of cloud computing services called SaaS (Software as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service) and IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) encompassed under the concept of "The Cloud Service Stack" and presents case study examples. Deployment and implementation models of different types of cloud, some implementations for disruptive technologies (Machine Learning, IOT, ubiquitous robotics, Blockchain) are described. Drawbacks, critical positions and challenges related to this concept are also presented.


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How to Cite

Kamlofsky, J. (2022). Cloud Computing: Fundamentals, Criticisms and Challenges. Revista Abierta De Informática Aplicada, 6(2), 3–30.