Gamifying a tool to create Pedagogical bridges in the University


  • Guillermo Andrés Arduino Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Argentina.



Gamification, Ludic Tools, University Teaching, ITC


This paper compiles the experience of gamification, over a period of three years, with first year students of Industrial Engineering in the field of programming. Incorporating concepts of computational logic through games is an interesting challenge, looking for ways to imple- ment didactic tools and pedagogical techniques that create a successful teaching-learning process. It also summarizes the experience of bringing professors closer to them, so that they have different resources and capabilities to motivate university students in their training as future professionals in the computer area. The mixture of technologies and digital tools with the mechanics of the ludic, create new ways of teaching and learning, in a comfortable envi- ronment, promoting improvements in the indicators of effectiveness of the dictation of the contents covered.



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How to Cite

Arduino, G. A. (2023). Gamifying a tool to create Pedagogical bridges in the University. Revista Abierta De Informática Aplicada, 5, 32–49.