Digital resources for learning reading, writing and mathematics. Experiences in a special education primary school
This article attempts to offer an analytical look at the implementation of digital resources in order to promote the learning of reading, writing and mathematics in children with different problems. In this case, it deals with experiences applied in a school for children with severe emotional disorders, a school for children with learning difficulties and a school for children with intellectual disabilities. The experiences presented in this paper were part of a series of pedagogical projects implemented in the aforementioned schools between 2012 and 2018. The study in which this analysis of the implementation of classroom activities was framed sought to answer the following question: Can the use of ICT in teaching processes for students with learning difficulties favour their learning? The article hopes to answer this question and also to open up avenues for other researchers with an interest in the subject to envision a more innovative and inclusive education
Copyright (c) 2021 Cecilia Roma (Autor/a)

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